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Oct 25, 2023

Real Estate Ethics

As a junior sales agent many years ago, I lost a listing to a competitor. The seller’s rationale surprised, telling me, “We really like you, Hayden, and the other guy makes my skin crawl, but we recko

Oct 12, 2023

Australian Housing and Urban Research: A Real Estate Perspective

Real Estate's Role in Housing Supply The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute's (AHURI) annual conference is a crucial platform for addressing housing and urban planning policies, primaril

Oct 5, 2023

How to Buy in Perth's Tough Property Market

The current real estate market in Perth is presenting unique challenges for buyers. According to REIWA, there are only 4,895 properties listed on reiwa.com, the lowest number in a decade. This limited

Sep 28, 2023

Preparing Your Home for Sale: Making a Great First Impression

Selling your home is akin to a first date — those initial moments are crucial. Just as you'd dress to impress and mind your manners, your property should radiate charm and care when it's time to list

Sep 20, 2023

2023 Australasian Auctioneering Championships

This week I attended the Australasian Auctioneering Championships, hosted in Auckland. The best auctioneers from across Australia and New Zealand fought it out ‘theatre-style’. An amazing event with

Sep 13, 2023

Pricing Your Property Right

Fremantle’s property market continues its positive trajectory with short supply and solid demand. This current imbalance is keeping up property values as buyers continue to compete for the limit

Aug 31, 2023

10 Ways to Fix Rental Crisis

Earlier this week, I appeared before a Senate Inquiry on behalf of the real estate industry looking into renters’ rights. It is widely recognised that insufficient supply of housing is the main cau

Aug 24, 2023

National Cabinet Discuss Potential Rent Freezing

National Cabinet met in Brisbane last week and, despite significant political pressure from the federal Greens, emphatically ruled out imposing a rent freeze and/or rental cap system in the states a