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Aug 7, 2022

Stamp Duty Reform

by Hayden Groves Newly minted Treasurer Jim Chalmers is on the record as a supporter of reforming stamp duty; that hideous, unfair tax that stifles economic growth and impacts affordability. Every

Jul 31, 2022

Avoid the Middle Man

By Hayden Groves When the time comes to sell or lease your property, property owners often look to the internet to help shortlist agents that might meet their needs. Well established methods of

Jul 21, 2022

Private Investor Heroes

by Hayden Groves New federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness, Hon. Julie Collins, met with state Housing Ministers last week to discuss, amongst other things, housing affordability in Austra

Jul 2, 2022

Blockchain Technology in Real Estate

by Hayden Groves Like a startled rabbit staring into headlights, this Gen Xer listened intently to the REIWA Trainer awaiting the lightbulb moment for clarity and understanding of what Blockchain

Jun 24, 2022

Time to Fix the First Home Owners Grant

by Hayden Groves In times of crisis, governments often throw money at the problem in order to maintain economic momentum. When the global financial crisis hit in 2009, the then Rudd government rai

Jun 17, 2022

Perth on the brink of boom

by Hayden Groves Perth’s All Groups inflation rate is running above the national average at 7.6 percent, the share market has taken a hit and interest rates are rising. Not the ideal set of circum