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Jun 16, 2023

Sellers are holding the competitive advantage in the market

By Hayden Groves One of the major problems with the property market across the nation right now is the blockages caused by short housing supply. Would-be sellers - whether up or down-sizing – are

Jun 9, 2023

Buyers Competing

By Hayden Groves Property listings throughout the metropolitan area are down to 5,400 on reiwa.com. Four years ago, there were 14,000 properties on offer. Sales volumes are consistently at around

May 26, 2023

Perth Market Breaking Through

By Hayden Groves Perth’s property market has had its fair share of ebbs and flows over the years with market downturn the major feature of our market in the past decade. The years of 2014 to 2019

May 19, 2023

Waiting on Spring to Sell?

By Hayden Groves During the winter months, when market conditions can flatten out, vendors often choose to hold off on their selling plans until spring when both gardens and moods improve. In

May 12, 2023

Presenting your home for sale

By Hayden Groves Not unlike a first date, first impressions count. Just as you would dress to impress, smell lovely and chew with your mouth closed, your home ought to be preened with the sam

May 5, 2023

Rents Up, But Only Now

By Hayden Groves It is widely known that rental prices across Australia are rapidly rising with many tenants struggling to find affordable accommodation. Vacancy rates nationally are hovering arou

Apr 21, 2023

Investors Not to Blame

By Hayden Groves Governments have very successfully shifted the blame for today’s housing affordability challenges away from their own housing policy failures and instead pointed the finger at pr

Apr 14, 2023

Ethics and Real Estate

By Hayden Groves As a junior sales agent many years ago, I lost a listing to a competitor. The seller’s rationale surprised, telling me, “We really like you, Hayden, and the other guy makes my sk