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Jun 6, 2017

Selling Methods

“What’s this new Open Negotiation all about and is it as “transparent” as the agent claims?” asked a friend of mine considering a property offered for sale using this method of sale. Conceived by som

May 15, 2017

Getting Back Your Bond

When taking on a residential tenancy, typically the owner requires the tenant to pay a security bond an amount normally equivalent to four weeks’ rent. The bond must be paid to the government Bond Ad

Mar 13, 2017

The Importance of Presentation

Not unlike a first date, first impressions count. Just as you would dress to impress, smell lovely and chew with your mouth closed, presenting your home for sale ought to be preened with the same leve

Mar 2, 2017

Property Taxes and Pollies

In recent state and federal elections, many of the policies of the two main opposing parties have not been that different. Not so this time around as West Australians prepare to cast their votes on 11

Feb 15, 2017

Women in Property

It would be fair to question my credentials on this topic; for obvious reasons. However, all 19 of my staff are women from a variety of backgrounds and of varying ages so I have at least some daily ex

Feb 9, 2017

How Not to Choose Your Agent

When the time comes to sell or lease your property, would-be vendors and landlords increasingly look to the internet to help shortlist agents that might meet their needs. Well established methods of

Feb 1, 2017

Top 5 questions to ask before making an offer on a property

If you're looking to purchase property in the near future (or even distant future) we wanted to make sure you're making an informed decision. In this light we thought it best to ask our staff what the

Jan 23, 2017

Why “Now” is always a good time to buy

Should history be a useful indicator of the future, the value of the property you live in today will be worth at least double that in ten years’ time. The quintessential Freo limestone semi will go f