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Apr 28, 2021

Cost of Selling in Hot Market

As the local property market heats up, one of the more common real estate-related search terms is ‘cost of selling my house’. Would-be sellers are understandably looking for comparative guidance as t

Apr 21, 2021

Perth Real Estate Market Marches On

Almost daily now, various media outlets report about the rapidly changing Perth Real Estate market. Stock levels are low, demand is high and property values are rising along with residential rents.

Mar 25, 2021

Moratorium to End

When tenants wake up on Monday morning, the COVID-19 induced moratorium on evictions and rent increases will have come to an end. March 29th marks the end of a year-long limitation on property owners

Mar 16, 2021

Getting a Rental

This time last year, the global COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally changed the way society functioned. Property markets here in Fremantle and surrounds had just started to wake from a near-five year slu

Mar 2, 2021

Use a Mortgage Broker

I read a stat the other day that quoted 65 per cent of all home and investment loans are completed by mortgage brokers. I assume the remaining 35 per cent of people go to their bank directly. The com

Jan 21, 2021

Cheap Isn’t Cheerful

It is abundantly clear that the local property market is now firmly on the sellers’ side. Queues at Home Opens are common, supply of quality homes for sale is falling, transaction numbers are up 50 p

Jan 18, 2021

Don’t Wait – Buy Now

As predicted, the McGowan government’s decision to extend the emergency response provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) now to end in late March has helped shape a rental shortage into a r

Jan 13, 2021

2021 Off to a Flyer!

For those looking to buy at the bottom of the market, you’re too late. Local property markets have roared back into life with sales transactions up 44 percent on this time last year and prices are ri