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Jul 28, 2021

Stamp Duty Reform Needed

The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) released a report his week that concluded what real estate agents have always known; that stamp duty is a significant barrier to proper

Jun 18, 2021

Supply is the Problem

Media stories of people resorting to living in their cars because they cannot find affordable rental accommodation often leads to cries for more help for tenants. The owners of rental properties seek

Jun 10, 2021

Waiting on Spring to Sell

Should you be waiting on spring to sell? During the winter months, when market conditions can be flat, vendors often choose to hold off on their selling plans until spring when both gardens and m

May 27, 2021

Thoughts on Portals

There’s little doubt that digital advertising of real estate is the preferred method consumers use to search for a property to buy or rent. In Australia, about 70 per cent of all properties that

May 13, 2021

Invest in Fremantle

Watching Leigh Sales get stuck into Federal Treasurers after their budget is delivered is always entertaining, but because of this years’ big spending, socially sensitive flavoured budget, Josh Fryde

May 10, 2021

Your investment property needs a tax depreciation schedule.

One of the largest tax reductions you can declare, property depreciation, is suprisingly overlooked by a large number of Fremantle property owners.Making a claim for property depreciation on your

May 10, 2021

Tree care tips for your home: How to keep your trees healthy in the colder months

Trees can enhance any property with beauty, colour, serenity, and in some cases increase the value of your property. Since they're so beneficial it's important to maintain healthy, vibrant trees.

May 7, 2021

For Sale By Owner

Several weeks back, I had a dummy spit about the City of Fremantle's ' For Sale by Owner ' with a property asset in Quarry Street without the professional assistance of a licensed real estate agent.