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Jan 3, 2022

Prices, Rents to Rise in 2022

You will be hard-pressed to find a property commentator that will predict a declining property market for Western Australia next year. Some of the major banks, off the back of likely interest rate

Dec 27, 2021

Giving at Christmas

The National Hotel and St. Patrick’s Community Support Centre put on a fantastic Long Table Christmas Dinner late last month and announced they’d raised almost $600,000 since the event first launched

Dec 20, 2021

Where Will They Live?

Premier Mark McGowan announced during the week that WA’s hard border was to be broken open on 5th February next year. Presumably, interstate and international visitors and ex-pats will come flooding

Dec 13, 2021

Make your offer stand out

A recent dealing with a buyer we met got me thinking about how buyers typically approach negotiations when looking for property. Most are tempted to eagerly point out the property’s apparent – and of

Dec 3, 2021

Landlords & Tenants Unite!

The real estate industry regulator, part of WA’s Consumer Protection department, is a benevolent, well-meaning group, mandated to protect the interests of consumers. They do genuinely good work, e

Nov 26, 2021

When will the market peak?

A fundamental law of physics dictates that what goes up must come down. Property markets do the same albeit end up significantly higher over a prolonged period. Three of the major four banks recen

Nov 19, 2021

Buying off the plan

Since the state government released its Directions 2031 planning policy, local governments have grappled with planning their cities and towns in a manner that emphasises infill development rather tha

Nov 12, 2021

GST Withholding – Be Aware

A thoroughly boring topic this week, but an important one nonetheless. The application of GST to property transactions is complex and unfortunately not clearly defined as to when GST should apply. If