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Jan 16, 2023

Perth Values Hold Firm

By Hayden Groves The latest numbers from property data gurus Core Logic revealed national housing values had fallen at their fastest rate on record, dropping by 8.4 percent since prices peaked in

Dec 12, 2022

Presenting your home for sale

By Hayden Groves Not unlike a first date, first impressions count. Just as you would dress to impress, smell lovely and chew with your mouth closed, your home ought to be preened with the same le

Oct 31, 2022

Budget Blues

By Hayden Groves When Jim Chalmers delivered his first budget this week, he used the word “sensible” often. Keen to establish his credentials as a responsible manager of tax-payers’ money, the Tr

Oct 17, 2022

How High for Interest Rates

By Hayden Groves If you are lucky enough to be amongst the 31 percent of all Australian households to own their homes outright, you’ll be less impacted by the Reserve Bank’s recent rapid raising o

Sep 15, 2022

Affordability in Decline

By Hayden Groves The Real Estate Institute of Australia’s latest Housing Affordability Report was released this week revealing housing affordability declined in the June quarter across Australia.

Sep 7, 2022

More Land Tax Will Mean More Rent

by Hayden Groves To apply from June 30 next year, the Queensland government has decided to apply a land tax to property investors that hold additional property outside that state.  This is a re

Sep 1, 2022

Getting a Rental

by Hayden Groves Across the nation, rental vacancy rates are sitting at around 1.1 percent and continue to trend downwards. There is a dramatic shortage of housing supply and demand for homes is s

Aug 18, 2022

Which Way for the Property Markets?

by Hayden Groves Earlier this week, ANZ published their market predictions for Australia’s property market for the remainder of this year and for 2023. In short, they reckon Perth property values