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Feb 21, 2022

If Icarus was an Agent

The Greek story of Icarus, like all good myths, provides insight into the best and worst of the human condition. The story is well known; Icarus, in fleeing Crete with his father who fashions wings f

Feb 14, 2022

Perth Market to Kick On

You know there’s talk about inflation and rising interest rates when people start talking ‘basis points’. Australia’s leading property data analysts, Core Logic have picked up the trend revealing pro

Feb 7, 2022

Getting a rental in 2022

The global COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally changed the way the property market functions. Property markets here in Fremantle and surrounds have well and truly woken from a near-five-year slumber, whe

Jan 31, 2022

<strong>Buyers in the box seat</strong>

Faced with very little choice, buyers are fiercely competing to buy desirable properties across all local markets. When looking at the numbers, it’s easy to see why. Sales volumes across Perth are

Jan 24, 2022

Cheap isn’t always cheerful

It is abundantly clear that the local property market is still firmly on the sellers’ side. Homes are often selling at (or even before) the first Home Open, transaction numbers are up 35 per cent on

Jan 10, 2022

How to Buy in 2022

With Perth’s property market likely to hop, skip and jump its way into 2022, buyers will be looking at ways to turn the market to their advantage. In doing so, the market will quickly pass them by wi

Jan 3, 2022

Prices, Rents to Rise in 2022

You will be hard-pressed to find a property commentator that will predict a declining property market for Western Australia next year. Some of the major banks, off the back of likely interest rate

Dec 20, 2021

Where Will They Live?

Premier Mark McGowan announced during the week that WA’s hard border was to be broken open on 5th February next year. Presumably, interstate and international visitors and ex-pats will come flooding