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Dec 3, 2018

Local Market Update - November

Sales volumes remain remarkably low across Western Australia with 6753 dwelling sales in the September quarter; about half the number compared to a decade ago. It is likely that 2018 will reveal a yea

Nov 20, 2018

Equality Needed for First Home Buyers

When the GFC hit, the then Rudd government raised the First Home Owner’s Grant (FHOG) to $14,000 for established homes and a whopping $21,000 for new builds. Whilst unsustainable long-term, the result

Nov 12, 2018

Prices to Fall with Negative Gearing Gone

With a federal election due next year, swinging voters with investment properties will more easily be able to decide which party to back. Labor’s plan to limit negative gearing provisions to new dwel

Nov 5, 2018

Duty of Disclosure

In a radio interview recently, I was asked about agent’s informing would-be buyers about a neighbours’ anti-social behaviour and if this information should be disclosed. It was a tricky question beca

Oct 29, 2018

Why Auction?

Market conditions remain challenging and whilst recent improvements are encouraging, the average time on market for a home in and around Fremantle remains above the long-term average. Those who need t

Oct 23, 2018

Negative Gearing Must Stay

Limiting negative gearing to newly constructed property and doubling capital gains tax remains a central plank of federal Labor’s policy platform, their argument being that the current rules lead to i

Oct 8, 2018

Computer Valuations a Problem

At REIWA’s Fremantle Branch meeting this week, prominent local agents raised concerns over the growing number of computer generated property valuations being promoted on line and in mainstream media.

Oct 1, 2018


With buyers coming back into the market, many are tempted to eagerly point out the property’s apparent – and often obvious – faults. When purchasing a property, buyers often “talk down” its benefits a