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Nov 8, 2019

Buying in Competition

Listings levels are down about 12 per cent on this time last year and as demand increases, home buyers will often find themselves making an offer to purchase in competition with others. Agent

Nov 1, 2019

Perth Market Under-Valued

A recent trip to Hobart on REIWA business confirmed to me that the WA property market is grossly under-valued when compared to the eastern states. The hit ABC television series, Rosehaven, starri

Oct 29, 2019

Get Your Price Right

A significant proportion of property sellers discount their property in order to sell. This is because most property owners have an expectation that their property is worth more than the mar

Oct 18, 2019

Foreign Buyer Tax Must Go

On the lazy pretext of “everyone else is doing it”, the McGowan government introduced a new tax on foreign buyers of property as a way of raising additional revenue. About $123 million is expected to

Oct 7, 2019

Choose your Agent on their Merit

When the time comes to sell or lease your property, would-be vendors and landlords increasingly look to the internet to help shortlist agents that might meet their needs. Well established methods

Sep 9, 2019

Getting Back Your Bond

When taking on a residential tenancy, the owner normally requires the tenant to pay a security bond equivalent to four weeks’ rent. The law forbids owners from requiring an amount higher than this fi

Aug 22, 2019

Pre-Purchase Building Inspections

Almost invariably, buyers of an established residential property seek to include in their offer a clause that protects them from unbeknownst building defects. This is fair enough although buyers n

Aug 8, 2019

Playing the Renting Game

By Hayden Groves - Last week’s front page of the Herald featured Steve Grant’s, “The roll of the dice”, a story about an emerging entrepreneur who’s invented a card game premised upon her experience