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Apr 22, 2020

Clarity for Renters

Some east-coast loonies have been whipping up a social media storm demanding a “rent strike” be allowed during the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re calling for free rent for as long as the pandemic lingers

Mar 27, 2020

COVID-19 and the Property Market

What a difference a week makes. In last week’s column I said, “should we really be putting our lives on hold in such dramatic fashion.” Well, it seems we ought to be and we have – more or less.

Mar 23, 2020

Don't Panic

Just like any product, property is a commodity valued by the market it creates. As supply of housing tightens, inevitably resultant excessive demand pushes up values and / or rents. The converse

Mar 3, 2020

Property Investors Crucial

Earlier this week, the Northern Territory government passed legislation that changed their tenancy laws enabling tenants to keep pets at rental properties without seeking the owners’ consent. Thi

Feb 6, 2020

If the Size is Right

Cast your mind back thirty years to 1990 when WA’s population was at 1.613 million people. Nowadays, we’re at 2.72 million, a not insignificant 68.6 per cent increase. With such growth, one w

Jan 22, 2020

2020 Off to Good Start

The bottom of the market has now passed. After more than five years of slackening values and extraordinarily low transactional activity, all indicators demonstrate property values are poised to r

Dec 4, 2019

Best Job Around

In recent years, commentary around local property markets has bravely struck an optimistic tone despite the reality of the worst market in a generation. This, in part, goes to our cultural vernac

Nov 19, 2019

Power of Presentation

Thanks to reality television shows, social media and digital marketing, consumers of real estate are drawn towards beautiful, expressive, perfectly presented properties where buyer objections are