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Nov 13, 2020

Buying Off the Plan

Since the State Government released its Directions 2031 planning policy, local governments have grappled with planning their cities and towns in a manner that emphasises infill development rather tha

Nov 9, 2020

Buyers Competing

By Hayden Groves Property listings in the Greater Fremantle area are down 34 percent on this time last year and with sales volumes up by a similar margin, it is hardly surprising that buyers find

Nov 3, 2020

Is the Property Boom On?

After predicting the bottom of the market in 2017, I put that crystal ball out for verge collection and got myself a new one. Local property values have been dribbling along a very long bottom since

Oct 26, 2020

Time to Invest?

As predicted, the McGowan government’s decision to extend the emergency response provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) for a further six months has helped shape a rental shortage into a r

Oct 20, 2020

Getting Back Your Bond

When taking on a residential tenancy, it is common for the owner to require the tenant to pay a security bond an amount normally equivalent to four weeks’ rent. The bond must be paid to the govern

Oct 7, 2020

Blame Me

By Hayden Groves Several years ago, local real estate agent (now retired) Peter Sim, boldly ran full page advertisements in the local press headed, “Blame Me.” Why Peter was standing in his suit u

Oct 2, 2020

Five reasons why apartments are better than houses

Apartment living offers the mixture of a hassle-free lifestyle, convenience and security that the ownership of a house cannot match. Buying a unit is also comparatively cheaper because it does not

Sep 22, 2020

McGowan Makes Mistake

Late last week, the McGowan government extended the Emergency Response provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act for a further six months. Unfortunately, this decision has nothing to do with pro